29 Jul 2024

Cities are for everyone. We owe it to ourselves and future generations to make them healthy, happy and sustainable places for all to thrive.  

For the past eight years, Cistri has been at the forefront of shaping cities and communities. Our approach is rooted in the belief that cities should be open, accessible, and designed for the people who live in them.  

Spanning Asia, the Middle East and beyond, Cistri and our parent company, Urbis Ltd of Australia, apply independent thinking and a multi-disciplinary approach to some of the most complex issues facing our cities and communities. 

1. Experience is everything

There is an ongoing mindset shift amongst today’s urban dwellers as they increasingly value not just the material, but also the experiential. One area where this is evident is retail: visitors to shopping precincts are now looking for authentic, immersive lifestyle experiences, not just to conduct transactions that they could easily do online.

Addressing this demand for authentic experiences requires greater emphasis on localisation. This could look like, for example, shopping centres evolving into community hubs connected to their local area. The role of shopping centres is expanding to include additional community uses including places to live and work as well as becoming health, education and entertainment destinations.

Our focus 

  • Designing for community benefit – Flexible spaces and placemaking strategies to enhance the quality of the public realm and support activations.
  • Localisation – Leveraging technology to provide unique and localised experiences that feel authentic and welcoming.


Cistri in action 

Orchard Road 

We advised on strategies to maintain the attractiveness of Orchard Road to residents and visitors alike by focusing on offering multi-dimensional experiences that complement retail, high quality placemaking and street activation.

The Starhill 

Our team advised on the repositioning of The Starhill, including the exploration of experiential and new-to-market lifestyle and hospitality concepts to support the retail offer.

The Starhill repositioning and advisory

2. Create spaces for people

A successful mixed-use space allows for diverse communities to flourish and can be brought to life, if designed flexibly, to allow for planned and unplanned placemaking.

This involves creating open and comfortable spaces that support social interaction and a sense of community. It may involve simple things such as ensuring there is shade, through to strong accessibility measures.

Our focus 

  • Adaptability – Meeting increased preference for flexible and adaptive spaces that are multi-purpose across both time and space.
  • Technology – Technology can enhance user experience for individual comfort and interacting with others. Leverage technology for management of urban services, waste management and data-driven decision-making for city planning.


Cistri in action 

Raffles Place

In a partnership with the Raffles Place Alliance (Business Improvement District), Cistri and Lopelab employed data-driven placemaking strategies to increase utilisation and activation of public spaces in Raffles Place.

The Exchange TRX, Malaysia

We conducted a retail study for Lendlease’s landmark project and advised them on the development and leasing strategy to make TRX The Exchange the future focal point for retail, dining, and entertainment in central Kuala Lumpur.

Raffles Place placemaking strategy and activation with Lopelab

3. Accessibility is key

Empowering all people to get to and from spaces with ease and safely through equitable access to transit options is vital.

Giving a higher priority to public transport and pedestrian oriented development will go a long way towards achieving this. At the same time, the localisation of development helps to shorten travel times while also building community identity and pride through activation of local neighbourhoods.

Our focus 

  • Ease of mobility – Considering the convenience, comfort and environmental impact of how people get from A to B. Improve connections to public transport, plan for electric vehicles, develop better cycling routes, and create pedestrian friendly streets.  
  • Community cohesion – Enabling more people to utilise the public realm and engage in activation and street life. 


Cistri in action 

Jakarta TOD-POD

We led a multi-disciplinary consortium to advise the Jakarta Provincial Government on implementing a pilot Transit Oriented Development-Pedestrian Oriented Design (TOD-POD) project at the precinct and neighbourhood scale. The goal was to develop a template for future initiatives to enhance mobility, vibrancy and street activity, while promoting inclusivity in infrastructure.

North South Corridor, Singapore

As part of a wider team led by Henning Larsen, we were shortlisted to submit a concept master plan proposal for the NSC to be transformed into a landmark corridor, integrating regional-scale active mobility (walk, cycle, and ride). The proposal also aims to enhance and activate communities through quality public spaces, greenery, and placemaking.

4. Harness creativity and innovation

Urban economies are seeking to promote research and development activity; innovation; and the creative industries to bolster economic growth, raise economic value-add and create attractive job opportunities. 

With innovation often emerging through the intersection of multiple domains, there is a growing need for truly mixed-use places and precincts that bring together a range of different yet complementary sectors, land uses and talents.  

Our focus 

  • Shared ideation – Innovation precincts bring together players from adjacent industries and offer platforms for planned and spontaneous exchange of ideas and collaboration.  
  • Cross-subsidy – mixed-use developments can also allow different uses to cross-subsidise each other and promote cross-visitation to support the financial vitality of the precinct. 


Cistri in action 

Misk City, Riyadh

We advised on the economic positioning and creative clusters development strategy for Misk City, an emerging destination in Riyadh focused on youth, creativity and innovation, to anchor its economic focus and precinct identity.

Gelephu Mindfulness City, Bhutan 

We provided economic advice for the masterplan of Gelephu Mindfulness City, a new city that aims to improve the livelihood of its people through multiple new and complementary pillars of economic growth, encapsulating the importance of innovation, wellness, and sustainability.

Misk City, Riyadh economic positioning and creative clusters development strategy

5. Prioritise sustainability

There is growing interest amongst place developers and users in how to make places more environmentally and socially sustainable.

After all, sustainability is not just a nice-to-have. Rather, it is a critical part of future-proofing property developments and businesses from stresses due to climate change and rapid socioeconomic change.

Our focus 

  • Adaptive reuse – Conservation and adaptive reuse of buildings and places of significance, rather than always demolishing and rebuilding, can help to reduce carbon emissions. At the same time, adaptive reuse can preserve place memories and strengthen emotional connection between people and their surroundings while lending a new lease of life to existing buildings and places.  

  • The living city – Incorporating biophilic design and prioritising greenery also helps to combat the urban heat island effect; promoting shade and keeping residents cool and protected from harmful UV.


Cistri in action 

The Yard, Bangkok 

We developed a placemaking master plan and strategy for the rejuvenation of a former container storage yard into a flexible, dynamic, and exciting destination for workers, residents, and visitors alike. 

Al Quoz Creative Zone, Dubai

We provided economic advice to inform the masterplan for the regeneration of Al Quoz into one of the world’s biggest creative precincts when completed. This included identifying creative industry focus areas, leveraging growth opportunities in Dubai’s creative economy, and recommending a land use mix that promotes financial feasibility. 

6. Promote wellbeing and cohesion

People-centric cities are ones that celebrate diversity through inclusive public spaces, mental and physical health, and support events that promote a sense of community and understanding amongst residents.  

A city that prioritises this social equity and supports community diversity requires urban design that is flexible to serve people of all abilities. Green spaces and spaces designed for flexible community gathering activities are more resilient and can adapt to evolving community needs. 

Our focus 

  • Positive health – Promotion of mental well-being, physical health and community interaction is tied to the offering of green spaces, parks and urban corridors in cities.
  • Connected neighbourhoods – Enabling of active lifestyles for people of all abilities and considering access for all visitors including people of varying abilities and neurodiverse people. Strive for best practice accessibility requirements as well as considering clear signage, flexible transport options and incorporating calming spaces. 


Cistri in action 

Enabling Village, Singapore 

Enabling Village is a space that aims to integrate people with different abilities with their surrounding community in an inclusive and mutually respectful way. We contributed to the development of a placemaking plan that focuses on enhancing interactions between Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) and the general public and implementing a placemaking prototype. 

Enabling Village placemaking plan

7. Diverse cities need diverse teams

Diverse teams drive meaningful change and support more innovative thinking. We reflect this at Cistri, with our city-shaping team built of people from around the world who work together to shape better places and communities.

Each of our people brings a unique voice, experience, and skillset, allowing us to see things from different perspectives. This is something that we believe is important for all organisations when planning for current and future communities in our cities.

Our focus 

  • Inclusion – Empower all voices, particularly in industries such as real estate that have been historically male-dominated, ensuring everyone is heard. 
  • Diversity in all its forms – Increasing focus on creating diverse and high-achieving teams that leverage bringing together people of differing ages, gender, culture, and background.  


Cistri in action 

Teamwork and diversity

Though we come from different backgrounds, our team work together to foster a culture of mutual encouragement and teamwork to achieve shared goals and empower others. Recently, we came together to participate in the J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge, supporting Rainbow Centre, a not-for-profit organisation that envisions an inclusive world where persons with disabilities are empowered.

International Women’s Day

At Cistri, we encourage our women and all our people to show up as their authentic and unique selves at work. For International Women’s Day 2024, we spoke to some of our female staff about their professional journey and some of the challenges they have faced along the way.

8. People value community

Employees are increasingly looking to roles where they can do impactful work and make a difference in the world. Environmental, Social and Governance priorities of an organisation can be the difference between someone accepting or declining a role at an organisation.

At Cistri, our Give Back framework empowers our people to take time out from business as usual, to engage in pro bono work or do something meaningful for the community through volunteering or fundraising.

Our focus 

  • Cost of living pressures and climate change – These are placing new pressures on individuals and families in our cities, and our urban environments should adapt to help our alleviate these pressures.
  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR) – Through effective CSR platforms that are integrated into employees’ day-to-day work, organisations can empower employees to not just “do work” but also “do good” through their work.


Cistri in Action 

Cistri Give Back Day 

Recently, our team spent a day volunteering with the Salvation Army Singapore’s Tanglin Family Hub, supporting their operations that contribute towards raising funds for their beneficiaries.

Consultant, Bob Pan said, “Our experience deepened my understanding of the roles that charities play in fostering resilient and compassionate urban communities.” 


Our team is working with MINDS, a local social service agency serving persons with intellectual disability, caregivers & their families. Cistri is providing pro-bono economic advice to the organisation in support of their MINDS Shop, a social enterprise managed by MINDS. 

Cistri Volunteer Day 2024 – Salvation Army Singapore, Tanglin Family Hub

We look forward to embracing emerging trends and technologies to help create cities that are truly vibrant places for everyone to live their best life.  

As we mark this milestone – eight years of city shaping – we’re grateful for the journey so far and eager to continue shaping cities, the Cistri way. 

Jack Backen View Profile
Rahul Mittal View Profile
Melissa Luki View Profile
Tegi Dimantano View Profile
Heather Banerd View Profile