Heather brings an integrated, holistic approach to developing enduring solutions for complex urban and regional contexts.

As a sustainable designer with a background in planning, architecture and landscape, she has a broad understanding and experience working with diverse stakeholders to coordinate and collaborate across scales and disciplines.

Heather has worked across highly urban, peri-urban and regional contexts. Her projects include new town planning, landscape planning and design, urban agricultural districts, business and industrial parks, urban revitalisation, tourism and golf course developments.

Sustainability and systems thinking are at the core of my approach to developing resilient solutions for cities and communities.

Project experience:


  • Strategic planning for economic development in regional Dubai (UAE)
  • Strategic master plan for an urban hi-tech agricultural district in Lim Chu Kang (Singapore)
  • Strategic master plan for industrial estate rejuvenation in Kallang (Singapore)
  • Master plan, landscape concept and environmental planning for an ecological township and bird sanctuary in Hue (Vietnam)
  • Master plan for a tourism and recreation destination in Nui Coc (Vietnam)
  • Master plan for a new urban centre and commercial core in Pleiku (Vietnam)


  • Landscape design development and construction project management for a tourism destination arrival node in Mandai (Singapore)
  • Landscape concept and schematic design for a residential and tourism resort development in Dalat (Vietnam)