Westfield Chermside, Australia
This is a splendid example of the impact of providing a high-quality Place as part of a new F&B precinct. The precinct provided 25 additional F&B outlets as part of a regional mall. Stitching the precinct together was a lovely laneway with water features, greenery, and places to relax. The project achieved some impressive metrics:
- Visitors to the F&B precinct were 13% more likely to have come from beyond the mall’s trade area.
- The cross usage between the F&B precinct and rest of the mall was 65%, making the precinct a strong anchor.
- Visitors to the F&B precinct had a 37% longer dwell time than other visitors.
So the F&B precinct is attracting people from a wider area, getting them to stay longer, and making good use of the rest of the property.
Jewel @ Changi, Singapore
One of the most impressive additions to any commercial property in recent years is Jewel’s Rain Vortex. Surrounded by lush green terraces, it is becoming a must-see destination for Singaporeans and tourists alike.
As an airport mall, it is harder to determine the Vortex’s impact on customer draw. However, our analysis has shown that people who do visit the Vortex have a 9% longer dwell time in the mall than those who only visit the mall. It is apparent that the Vortex is attracting a slightly different type of customer, one who has a bit more time on their hands, whose alternative might be to stay in the airport terminal.